As many of you might know: I love Burlesque! I already love beautiful women in all shapes and sizes, but when they tastefully/creatively/funnily undress and show off their bedazzled pasties I’m beyond amazed!
That’s why when my friends from Home of Burlesque asked me to do another poster for their newest show, which was also the birthday party for founder/owner Sven, I said YEEEESSSSSS.
Sven had a clear idea of 3 girls around a pentagram. I decided to add as many additional pentagrams into their lingerie designs as possible.
Here’s the sketch for this one:

And here are some details of the final artwork:

The show itself was this Friday and I deeply enjoyed having an occasion to dress up slutty pretty and leave the house. Of course I can wear a corsage with seamed stockings and a beautiful bra peeking out at home as well… but honestly it’s not THAT comfy that I would do it on a regular basis. For going out and looking at gorgeous girls I can make an extra effort (for my boyfriend it’s only gorgeous pyjama pants me all day every day XD).
Here are also some photos of the show, but I’m keeping those to a minimum because I’m not a pro photographer, just a horny artist with a phone camera, and my photos don’t do the amazing performances enough justice:

For the full magic of a Burlesque show you should definitely go to one! You will most likely not regret it.
Have you ever been? Or even on stage? Tell me all about it!!
❤ AsuRocks
P.S.: Going out until the early morning hours and drinking after the age of 30 means that you’re tired for at least one day afterwards and have eyebags from hell, but hey, I have a mug with my sexy ladies! (you can actually buy one here)

P.P.S: Totally forgot that we also met this amazing shiny angel on our way to the show and you all need to see him:

4 responses to “Killing The Sweetness”
So cool sowohl deine Zeichnung als auch dein Posing mit dem sexü Outfit 🥰
Standout poster for an outstanding show. A swift kick in the ass, for IG, with those spiked boots.
schön deinen blog zu lesen ☺️
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