Having a blog: done.
Having time to write in the blog: 😭
Generally these days I am happy if I manage to put on real clothes at all. And I even photograph them, because it’s such an event. But editing and posting them is an additional challenge which my tired brain fails to complete these days. But it is getting better with more sunlight, because apparently I am just a sad plant in a human suit.
First of all let’s start with the outfit that I wore to the …
Go_A concert
Which was technically still in February, don’t tell the blog police!

Berry crown: Etsy, Necklace: bought in Ukraine, Choker: self-made
I guess my theme was Ukrainian witch. I love traditional folk embroidery and ornaments of my home country and always look for ways to incorporate them into outfits.
The concert itself was a cathartic experience. I haven’t been to any concerts in years and the first one being a Ukrainian band was very special to me. If you don’t know Go_A: They were the band who almost won Eurovision in 2021. In case you watch Eurovision. I haven’t for years, but that year has brought me back into it and now I am INTO IT. I was also the year when Måneskin won, who are also awesome and give me all sorts of bisexual feelings…. It reminded me how much the event is a great mix of cringe and genuine awesomeness and I will definitely be watching this year.

Now back to the “basic” outfits.
Outfit 2: leftover braids

For some reason I liked this one more in person than I like it on the photos. Probably in part because chunkier knits make me look like a small fridge because of BOOBS. In general I feel that I tend to look this way in everything that does not have waist definition, but also… who cares? Chunky sweaters are cozy and I don’t have to wear something “flattering” all the time. This one I hunted on Sellpy and I absolutely love the color.
Outfit 3: an even chunkier sweater

Sweter & skirt: H&M, Shoes: Dr.Martens
Btw. have you noticed how much nicer the colors are on those photos? It’s because I took them with my “new” camera. “New” because actually I bought it over a year ago. And since then I have been getting weekly email updates that they are waiting for a shipment from Sony and my delivery will be delayed. I got 56 of those emails, but now finally the camera is also here. But it seems to prefer my cats over me. 😅
Outfit 4: the black wrap dress

Wrap dresses = a bit boring, but always working. Also REAL SUNSHINE! I missed it so much!!
In case you are wondering what else I have been up to these days, I have it here in a somewhat representative video format.
I rediscovered this 1 Second Everyday app and it lets you mash together ultra short videos and I think it’s a fun format.
And now you not only get important information like what I have been wearing, but also even more important information like what I have been eating. XD
You will also see that I have been working on sending out Patreon rewards and (re-)playing Final Fantasy VIII. This one is such an amazing trip down memory lane! I was a HUGE fan when I was 15, which has been … hmmmm … about 100 years ago, I guess. What is time anyways? I remember how the graphics of this game were the most beautiful thing I had seen in my entire life. And even now, I still love the characters to bits. I want to protect those poor dumb teenagers from having to save the world. ^^°
I even drew a fanart of Squall and plan to do the rest of the crew at some point:

Outfit 5: my cat has melted

This wrap top looks exactly like the wrap dress I wore before, but it’s a different piece of clothing, I swear!
Outfit 6: tiny berry mouse

I bought this brooch while squealing “OMG IT’S SO CUTE” years ago and then put it in a drawer and completely forgot about it. Fortunately now I have this cardigan which has just the perfect color for the little mouse!
In case you’re wondering why my eyes look like I’ve been crying: my seasonal allergies started and it’s very sad, because I love spring so much! My eyes are crying, my nose is crying, … my body just wants to go to sleep. XD
I have more outfits to post, but let’s make it a multi-part post!
♥ Asu Rocks
P.S.: Many thanks to my boyfriend, my SundaySketching friends and my tripod for the photos!
6 responses to “So many unposted outfits (and life in March) -part 1”
olga is baaaaack! und ich war auch für ne sekunde zusehen xD fame!
Ich fühl mich gerade so glücklich-nostalgisch, die Outfit-Posts zu sehen. Tut einfach gut, endlich wieder Asu und Outfits und einen Blog dazu zu sehen! <3
Abgesehen davon: wie cool ist euer Schlafzimmer mit den ganzen Pflanzen bitte? Und was für einen coolen Foto-Hintergrund macht das her? Love it!
Genauso die Outfits, Posen usw… du warst da schon immer eine große Inspiration für mich, vielleicht sollte ich mich da mal mehr trauen. 🥰
Ich freu mich auf den nächsten Eintrag! Möge die Sonne all uns traurigen Pflanzen endlich Energie für den Frühling schenken!
Wie schön die Katzen auf den Fotos immer mit in die Kamera schauen ❤️
Und ansonsten: schön, von dir zu lesen! Ich mag solche Alltagsposts sehr – und ich merke gerade, dass ich selbst zu selten zum Bloggen komme. Narf…
Das Timer-Geräusch hat sie fasziniert!
All the love for you, your outfits, your cats and your food <3
I like that App, i think I want to to try it too, even though I don’t think I have anything exciting to record.
But maybe this will shift my focus!
It’s really nice to look back on, especially if you like me struggle with feeling like days are just passing by in a blur.